Train ticket & bus ticket bookings

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Local train ticket booking</span><br>
Local train ticket booking
Want to travel countryside of Mongolia by train but don't know how to book online? 

No worries, we can help you. All we need is only your document. We will book a train ticket online, and choose the train seats together, so you can save your golden time :) 

You are possible to go the North of Mongolia to Selenge province, Darkhan city, Erdenet city\, and the South to Dornogobi province by train. 

if you need more info such as timetable and price, please feel free to contact us :). 

We will be happy to serve to you all the time. 

<span style="font-weight: bold;">local bus ticket booking</span><br>
local bus ticket booking
Want to go countryside of Mongolia by the public bus with cheap cost, and don't know how to book the bus ticket online? No worries, we can help you and save your time. 

Public buses go to   21 provinces of Mongolia. Taking a public bus is more fun for backpackers, and it is cheap too :). All we need is your document. we will book the bus ticket online, and choose the seat together. 

If you need our help, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to serve to you all the time.